“Getting Closer to your Mega Project Problem”

So, we are here now. Ready to take the big step after learning and implementing so much by Amal. In previous tasks or project works we were asked about our goals, to refine them, stick to them and implementing new learnings, and making a change in ourselves. That was amazing!!

Aamish Akbar
5 min readApr 8, 2021


But now, what we talked about goals, passions, and future dreams, we have to take them all practically. Oh! before that everything was going smoothly and easily. And now when it was the time to do, what we use to say, I felt concerned. I was like,’’ oh, what to do now, how can I do whatever I said’’.

But Thanks to Amal! They guide us on every step, they taught us how to think big and how to take the initiative. They made our circles, gave us proper guidelines and directions and now we are on the right road to do something great.

Yeah! we all group fellows, discussed many ideas related to problems and we have started making plans to act upon.

The first and the best ideas that came to my mind was;

Making an online psychological platform for under pressure women of the society, on Facebook, or Instagram.


The reason behind this idea was that I did notice many times that many of my friends, family members, and relatives especially women, sometimes suffers from severe anxiety, stress, depression and they have to suffer alone. There is no one to understand them and help them out to get rid of such mental illness. Sometimes the married women have to suffer due to financial issues, family relations, unjust behavior by in-laws, Unloyal husbands, and so on …..

And in most cases, it is based on ‘’ susral’’ problems they cant share it with their parents either, because there will be the as a usual response,

that do SABAR, or gets die but never leave your husband’s home,.. and blah, blah, blah!!!

So, there is no one to listen to these poor women. That's the saddest reality of our brown culture. If a woman, who is no matter a wife daughter, or mother has to suffer such abuses, stresses, and mental illness then it will destroy the family structure and we know very well a healthy family structure makes a healthy society.

I honestly experienced one of these cases recently, in which the woman was suffering from stress, she tried, many times to tell my mom about the problem but she was feard and could not utter anything. However, my mom gave her consultation advised her, and give her love and affection. But it was a short time meetup because she has to get back to her home. Later on, my mom called her and showed her kindness and said, ‘’ you could share whatever you are suffering’’ she replied, ‘’ I just need prayers’’.

After this, my mother never happened to talk to her or meet her as she did not contact her again. My mom thought that the matter has resolved and she would be fine now.

But after four months of this incident, we came to know that she has become totally mental. Oh! That was a sudden shock for all of us. We consulted a psychiatrist and she told us that,’’ it's an emergency situation, your patient has lost her normal sense and she is suffering from some of the disorder of illusion’’. Oh my God! it was unbelievable….. that was the worst moment for me, I felt so pity for her and a bit feeling of guilt for, myself that we were aware 4 months ago that she is suffering, we should have consulted some psychologist earlier but the time was gone.

So I came to the conclusion that there should be some remote platform for such major issues, I know many of you would be thinking that it is already there. But the fact is that many of us don't have awareness of such issues and we don't try to take them seriously. We need to make awareness, secondly, no doubt there is a clinical psychiatrist who gives online sessions but honestly speaking many of them charges high fees, and most are unknown to the common people.


I have many friends who are doing studies in this field and they have further circles in this field, I have many friends who have done their studies and doing practice in this field and a few ones who are experts in this field. So, I got the idea to make a social page and ask them all to come and join there and gave their services free of cost just as an act of kindness. And listen to those women to whom nobody listens before it becomes too late. And we need to provide them ease at any cost. I hope a little collaboration can lead to a big hand toward society and so we can make our women happy again. Because;

‘’If she is happy and safe, society will be happier’’

Thank You for reading this so far.



Aamish Akbar

Hi! I’m Aamish. I’m a passionate writer, and a nature loving soul. I am open to work as a writer. Let's Connect on https://www.linkedin.com/in/aamish-akbar