Time + Pomodoro = Productivity

Aamish Akbar
3 min readApr 16, 2021


Brian Tracy’s Tips from “Eat that Frog”

“If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first.” Brian Tracy

Pomodoro technique is basically used for getting rid of procrastination. This technique works with time management strategies. When we delays our work and show laziness we start postponing our little task but at the end near due date these small tasks become an hindrance in our success because when we do the workload in last hours we usually do it with bitter heart and do not put our all efforts in it. So we fail to get a efficient result.

Therefore, Pomodoro technique is necessary and it helps us to perform our tasks efficiently and with balanced amount of efforts when we divide our tasks into different categories i.e, firstly doing the major task and giving it more time and so on managing the time and tasks performance. It helps a lot to manage our work load. And it enhances our productivity level.

Moreover, it makes us well disciplined and efficient in doing our work and make us successful. Now, come to the main point how to use this technique: I practiced this technique first time and it was a wonderful experience for me.

I applied few tips by Brian Tracy;

Be Productive; We should use our most valuable time in our most valuable activities.

Dividing the big tasks into small steps

Doing the most important task first

After learning these tips, I made a list of all frogs of pond and then decided to eat the big one first which was making the resume using the Amal format and second was writing a medical artical for my client. And after them there was other little tasks like completing my Project work of my Amal course.

That frogs of the pond, I have to eat them but ugliest one first. (image source:google)

I first decided to eat the big frog which was an artical writing of a medical student and resume writing. Well I set the timer for 25 minutes and took the start. It was tough because I was unable to give full attention to my tasks. I was getting distracted many times. After many attempts finally I set the timer again and switched off my cellphone then started the task. And it was easy now I continuously wrote it and finally completed in 3 hours then, I without break did my project task of document editing. And went to sleep. In evening, I had done almost my work of the day on time. I felt very peaceful and easy.

“Get your hardest task done first’’ (image source:google)

This experiment was very difficult for me at first because ii had a mess of work and was confusing which one I should have done first. Then, using this technique of eating the big frog first, I chosen the big frog of resume writing and article.

After eating it, I ate the other small frogs step-wise. As I was doing my tasks respectively it was getting easier and easier for me, until I completed the whole day tasks. And yes I used the Pomodoro technique by giving the most valuable time t the most valuable task. It helped me a lot and to complete my task very efficiently.

I will do this regularly and I loved this great idea. It is brilliant and very helpful technique because when we do the most important one first it gives us a great result which can further motivate us to perform the other tasks well and easily.



Aamish Akbar

Hi! I’m Aamish. I’m a passionate writer, and a nature loving soul. I am open to work as a writer. Let's Connect on https://www.linkedin.com/in/aamish-akbar