Aamish Akbar
3 min readSep 14, 2021

Tonight is hard to sleep. It’s like time has stoped. I want to go back or forward but I am stuck here. Perhaps it is a start of my new journey. I have two roads, one for success or other to loose.
First one is harsh, second one is calmy.
Yes, success road is harsh as I am today away from home, my family my Mother, my loved Father and my only Brother, with small amount of money which is even not mine(yo be returened to someone).
I’ve left the calmy road which is my comfort Zone. This harsh road is not giving me a peaceful breathe. I am missing my Mom and Father and all that people whom I had lose at some point of my life. I am missing all those time when I was in pain and my Mom was there to take care of me. I am missing all that my needs being fullfilled by my Dad. But tonight they cannot hold me. They are getting old, drained all their energy into their kids. And today while I would have paid them back by caring them but I am away from them just to make my life. This harsh road is not giving me any chance to get back home. Because I have a short span of time to travel this road but you know at what cost? It’s Time, I had it as a greatest asset of my life and had to invest it very wisely taking a risk of not being home, not being with my parents and my beloved brother.
I have to make it in either way. I am taking this journey myself.
My parent with stoned heart, my brother with sad vibes had sent me away from home. Although it was my decision to be away from home. But i could not see my old parents taking stress about their young children. And most of all I cannot see my only brother taking all the burden on his own. Sacrificing his nights just for my parwnts and especially for me. I had to share this responsibilty with my brother. He too had a life, he desrves to enjoy his life instead of taking all the load on himself.
So I had chosed the road, the harsh road but I know there is a beautiful destination. I’ll make it ASAP. It is sleepless night, heart is saddened but I will not move back I will make it in either way. I had to sacrifice that’s what , we can do in this "Survival of the fittest" World. I believe in My Allah, he is all around me in this journey. At the end, asking my Allah! That He who had made this Earth vast, this sky high and the deepens the oceans I am also his smallest and humbled creation asking help from him in his own kingdom.

Image source: unsplash.com

Aamish Akbar

Hi! I’m Aamish. I’m a passionate writer, and a nature loving soul. I am open to work as a writer. Let's Connect on https://www.linkedin.com/in/aamish-akbar